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Deputy Phil

Depty Phil Picture

The Columbia County Sheriffs Office has a definite interest in our young people. Preparing our children in the early ages with value based educational programs will help prepare them to be responsible young citizens. We must overcome the attitudes of anti-social behavior, lack of responsibility and the rising violence in schools. The Deputy Phil program is a bridge to help us reach our children to instill responsibility, safety awareness and positive attitudes. These ideas are presented to our youth through a unique series of illustrations and work projects. Informative books, animated presentations, teacher input and parental participation. This program is funded by private individuals and businesses. No taxpayer money is used to fund this program. We like to thank all those who have supported the Deputy Phil Program. If you would like to become a Deputy Phil supporter or would like copy of the Deputy Phil book please call us at: 570-389-5622 or drop us an email.